WP5 – Pilots of Open Access

In WP5, CERIC is going to realize open access pilots following the policies and procedures prepared in the scope of WP2.

The specific task objectives of this work package are:

Organize, execute and evaluate open access pilot calls following the policies and procedures developed in WP 2, Task 2.2: Provide a feasibility fast track open access and the promotion of the open access to increase participation from new communities in the research activities of the following facilities:
– MSB beamline at Elettra in Trieste – Italy;
– XPS-XPD, FESEM, NAP-XPS instruments at the Charles University in Prague – Czech Republic;
– LSAXS, DLS, SLS techniques at the Light Scattering Laboratory of the Technical University in Graz – Austria;
– DAVID, LARA, MAGIC, ODIE, AJAX instruments at the Slovenian NMR Centre in Ljubljana – Slovenia.


  • D5.1: Report on feasibility of the fast track open access. Download.
  • D5.2: Report on promotion of the open access. Download.